Harm Reduction Vending Machine Released in Clinton Township

Franklin County Public Health is proud to announce the release of three Harm Reduction Vending Machines in different areas of Franklin County. These machines make life saving resources available at no cost.

“Harm Reduction Vending Machines make resources to prevent and reverse overdoses more accessible, helping save lives in Franklin County,” said Sue Villilo, ADAMH Vice President, Clinical Services.

While there has been a slight decrease in overdose deaths in Franklin County since 2020, we saw a spike occur last month of fatal and non-fatal overdoses, reminding everyone that we never know when or where an overdose will occur. To ensure all are prepared, Franklin County Public Health has partnered with local organizations to get harm reduction resources into the community.

Harm Reduction Vending Machines are located at Jordan’s Crossing Resource Center on the West Side, The Peers Enriching Each other’s Recovery (P.E.E.R.) Center in Whitehall, and Clinton Township Fire Department in Linden.

  • Jordan’s Crossing Resource Center
    • Address: 342 N Hague Ave, Columbus, OH 43204
    • Hours: Daily, 9 am – 4 pm
  • The P.E.E.R. Center, Whitehall Location
    • Address: 205 N Hamilton Rd, Columbus, OH 43213
    • Hours: Daily, 9 am – 9 pm
  • Clinton Township Fire Department
    • Address: 3820 Cleveland Ave, Columbus, OH 43224
    • Hours: 24/7

“The Harm Reduction Vending Machines are so convenient and easily accessible; people are thrilled when they discover all that is available for free. They are also grateful to have easy access to tools that can help save a life!” said Juliet Dorris-Williams, Executive Director of The P.E.E.R Center.

The machines were purchased with funds from the Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) Grant and will be supplied and maintained with funding from the Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP) Grant. Machines are currently stocked with Narcan/naloxone nasal spray, safe sex kits, fentanyl test strips, first aid kits. Community members can sign up at any location via QR code found on the machine.