Total Eclipse of the Heartland – What You Need to Know


Even though only a portion of Franklin County will be in the path of totality, our county is a great spot to watch the eclipse on April 8th!

What’s the big deal around the eclipse? It’s a rare cosmic event! Only 15 eclipses have been visible in the US since 1867. The next total solar eclipse that can be seen from the contiguous United States will be on Aug. 23, 2044!

Before the big day arrives, let’s shine a light on what you need to know!

Eye Safety

Make sure you’re wearing solar eclipse glasses before and after totality. Staring directly at the sun can damage your eyes.

Totality is when the moon completely covers the sun’s bright face, and it suddenly gets dark. This phase only lasts a few minutes, so keep those eclipse glasses handy for when the sun reappears!

Wanna be a star pupil? Make sure you ONLY wear eclipse glasses and don’t use sunglasses, Polaroid filters, welding glasses, exposed color film, X-ray film or photographic neutral-density filters to view the eclipse.

Once the eclipse ends, turn around and talk about how awesome it was. To those traveling, stay safe and be prepared for traffic as you head to your next destination!

Your screen’s not a saver! Even if you’re taking a picture of the eclipse on your phone, continue to wear your eclipse glasses to prevent eye damage.

Food Safety

Temporary Food Vendors

  • A temporary retail food establishment or temporary food service operation is a facility that is operated at an event for not more than five consecutive days. If you plan to sell food at an event for the April 2024 solar eclipse, contact the Food  program at FCPH to obtain a temporary food license at
    • Please note – your application MUST be submitted at least 10 days prior to the event to allow our staff time to accommodate your request and schedule your inspection.

Mobile Food Vendors

  • Ohio Law requires that every person, which intends to prepare, serve or sell food from a movable vehicle, portable structure or watercraft that routinely changes location, obtain a Mobile Food Operation License.
  • Please note that if you had a food license for your mobile in 2023, the expiration for your license was February 29th, 2024. If you plan to operate for any events during the April 2024 solar eclipse, you must apply for a Mobile Food Operation License for the 2024-2025 licensing year prior to the event. Your application MUST be submitted prior to March 31st, 2024 to allow our staff time to accommodate your request and schedule your inspection. Contact your area inspector
Be Prepared

April 8th will look a little different here in Franklin County! Population in the county could triple that day, meaning traffic delays on all major highways. Here are some things to know and ask yourself:

  • Are you working that day? Be sure to adjust your travel to allow for extra traffic.
  • If you have or care for children, check to see if their school is closed for the day or has adjusted hours.
  • Have older adults or people with critical needs in your life? Consider getting medication, supplies or etc. a few days before the event.
  • Stock up on all critical supplies you may need before the event just in case!
Helpful Information

Central Ohio Hospital Council

Interactive Map




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